The privilege of interment shall be granted subject to conditions and limitations as stated in the certificate of “RIGHTS OF BURIAL or ENTOMBMENT” and the rules and regulation of Detroit Memorial Park Association Inc.
In order to preserve the natural beauty and dignity of this cemetery, the management reserves the right to adopt any regulations for the government of its cemetery. These regulations may be changed without notice and will be enforced.
It is not the purpose of the cemetery management to disregard or interfere with the wishes of the owners of Rights of Burial or Entombment, but if rules and regulations were not adopted, the exercise of some of what they consider their proper rights might and undoubtedly would be detrimental to the rights of others. Therefore the rules as herein set forth are for the preservation and protection of the rights of all. When a new rule is adopted, it automatically applies to all Rights of Burial or Entombment. A complete set of rules and regulations are available for inspection at the cemetery office.
- Breaking or changing of any sod on a lot or grave by any person not employed by the cemetery is prohibited.
- Trenching and outlining graves is absolutely prohibited in any part of the cemetery. Graves will be kept level with the surrounding terrain.
- Artificial flowers are permitted and can be purchased in the office.
- All markers/memorials can be made of either granite or granite bronze, memorial bench, upright monument. The cemetery assumes no responsibility for markers or memorials with pictures etched or ceramic colored photos on them. Such markers or memorials are placed at the purchaser’s own risk.
- No marker or monument bench shall be placed on a lot or grave without approval of the cemetery. All inscriptions shall be submitted for approval by the cemetery.
- Any unsightly or inappropriate objects on graves, as determined by cemetery management, will be removed without notice and the cemetery will not be responsible for their return.
- The cemetery management reserves, and shall have the right to correct any errors made by the cemetery either in making interments, removals, or entombments or setting of markers or monuments, and assumes no liability other than the necessary cost of making the correction.
- Please use moderation in your selections of grave decorations. Gaudy decorations are in poor taste and detract from the beauty of the cemetery. Quality and not quantity makes beauty.
- All decoration regulations are to protect the conscientious lot holders rather than hinder them. While we all cannot agree completely on decoration rules, the cemetery has established the fairest set of rules and enforces them fairly and uniformly.
- The cemetery shall not be liable for any delays or interment, losses, damages, expenses, claims or demands of any conceivable kind and character whatsoever, resulting from or caused by Act of God, the common enemy, vandals, strikes, riots or from some other cause beyond the reasonable control of the cemetery.
- Please note that the weeks of March 15th, July 15th, Sept. 15th and Nov. 15st will be seasonal clean up. Every section will be cleared of all decorations for major clean up and trimming. Please visit prior to these dates if you wish to retrieve any items. Those left behind will all be disposed.
- Please do not bring anything glass, or valued family treasured items to the cemetery, as we can not assure the return of anything left in the cemetery.
- From March 15th to Nov. 15st no plastic, glass or wire items are permitted. No balloons or other artificial decorations.
- Small American flags are permitted for one week prior to and one week following Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day and Veterans Day.
- No decorative rocks, stone’s or Mulch permitted around any memorials. No Digging or planting is permitted in the cemetery by families.
- No alcohol or illegal substances are ever permitted in the cemetery.
- Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
- When there is any doubt about a grave decoration, please check at the office before placing it to avoid possible disappointment later.
- It is our hope that your cooperation and interest will help us maintain the beauty and serenity of Detroit Memorial Park Association Inc. Cemetery.